I'm Ihor,
frontend developer
.AboutMe {

Profession: Front-End developer;
Knowledge: JS, jQuery, CSS, SCSS, HTML;

.Experience {

Time: 1.5+ years;
Projects: 17;

Latest works
NFT collection
A site about the NFT collection with an unusual design and animations. Developed using: HTML, SCSS, JS, GULP, and using modern image formats and fonts
Explore Norway
A beautiful travel company website with lots of sliders and animations. Developed using: HTML, SCSS, JS, GULP, and using modern image formats
Furniking shop
Complicated site of the online store. Developed using: HTML, SCSS, JS, GULP, and using modern image formats
The short descripcion del proyecto, fun minim soothing don't desert the school district is there is some pain to do it be fun. He likes the services of the consequences, he wants to soften. Exercise and relaxation are our fun.
Coffe shop
The short descripcion del proyecto, fun minim soothing don't desert the school district is there is some pain to do it be fun. He likes the services of the consequences, he wants to soften. Exercise and relaxation are our fun.
The short descripcion del proyecto, fun minim soothing don't desert the school district is there is some pain to do it be fun. He likes the services of the consequences, he wants to soften. Exercise and relaxation are our fun.
Kevin portfolio
The short descripcion del proyecto, fun minim soothing don't desert the school district is there is some pain to do it be fun. He likes the services of the consequences, he wants to soften. Exercise and relaxation are our fun.